One Mediocre day in a Bayou of great days
Date: November 20, 2020

Great day of fishing. Capt. Jack took out Mr. Louis Lacombe & his friends today. They came in with 11 beautiful reds, 21 specks & 3 bass. They should have went red fishing earlier today. Most people did well today, but Captain Jack was having a rough day..starting with a dead truck battery, locking himself out the house and was not on his best fishing game & the wind did not help out. This weekend is a good opportunity to come and catch some fish. The fishing really is on, don’t let Captain Jacks one mediocre day out of a million great days fool you..come on down & get on the trout & reds! We will have live shrimp

this weekend ! We look forward to seeing all of our customers, whether it’s to catch red, catch specks, shoot ducks or a mix! We love having a full parking lot & happy customers that are coming for a great, relaxing day on the water!
As always, we can’t wait to see you here at Sweetwater Marina, the Marina that loves our customers!
Here is a pic of Capt. Jacks catch today! & just a random pic I took today!