Great fishing out of Sweetwater
Date: April 28, 2019

Yesterday was some great fishing out of Sweetwater & today was way better! A lot of speckled trout were caught today. Fish were caught all over the interior of Delacroix. We heard of some speckled trout being caught in Lake Batola and Grand Lake. On yesterdays charter, Captain Jack came in with 15 beautiful reds and 13 beautiful speckled trout. Today, Captain Jack came in with 15 beautiful reds and 40 beautiful speckled trout. Both days he fished with Scott and Scotts son, Cole.
They flew their own plane in from Little Rock, Arkansas. So glad they had good trips, because they went to the city for the first time and were robbed of the planes key, computer & flight bag. Whoever stole it sold it to someone on the street, the buyer (purchased his computer for $80) called Scott and he was able to buy it back for ($100)…. Anyways, back to fishing business..Today was a top notch day for fishing, no wind, trout biting, water cleared up tremendously! I would recommend you trying to come down asap, to get in on the good trout action. Captain Jack has a couple days available this week..possibly Wednesday & definitely Thursday. If you are looking to get in on an awesome guided fishing trip, hop on Captain Jacks boat & get ready for some fun & good fishing! Whether you want to fish with Captain Jack or bring down your own boat, I suggest getting down here NOW. The live shrimp situation is great! We have beautiful live shrimp. The weather is looking beautiful for the rest of the week. Gather up your buddies and come on down! We do have some lodging available for the week, limited spots, call Monday 504-342-2368, if you would like to book. Hope to see ya here at Sweetwater Marina, where we love our customers!